HMI Demo Videos

Here you will find a few examples of some of the main customizable features and options that make the SALTEK HMI System for Advant Controllers unique.


Please consider that the quality of the videos do not represent the actual resolution of the application.

MB3 OPC Server installed at Hays Generating Station

Our latest installation consists of a pair of Novotek MB3 OPC Servers that provide communication from  17 X Advant AC450 Controllers on a site with 4 X GT24 Alstom Legacy Units.

Novotek-Cimplicity Displays at the Sarnia Generating Station

The Sarnia Generating Station replaced their legacy OS500 Unix OS usin Cimplicity as HMI and Novotek's MB3 OPC Server. The system communicates with 6 X AC450 Controllers that for 3 X GT11N2 Alstom Legacy GTs, 3 X HRSGs and 1 X ST

Operating Stations developed with GE's Cimplicity 

HMI Software

Since 2007, the Brandon GS monitor and operate their 2 X GT11N2 Gas Turbine and BOP using GE's Cimplicity HMI. The system was customized and designed to replace the ageing UNIX based Advant OS500 Operating Stations.

Novotek-Cimplicity MB3 OPC Servers installed at the

Brandon Generating Station

Installed and operational since 2007, the Brandon GS Redundant Novotek MB3 OPC Servers were recently upgraded by the customer with minimal assistance from our side. The new servers continue to provide communication from 3 X Advant AC450 Controllers to HMI and Data Collection Clients.

Advant Engineering Station Migration to Windows 10 Operating System with Internal PU516 RTA Board

Successfully migrated Advant Engineering Station from Windows XP to Windows 10 using the internal PU516 RTA Board and original Control Builder Application.

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Saltek Canada Ltd.

Phone: +1 (403) 992 4104


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